The Chili Farm
Hey guys, I just wanted to check in and give everyone a quick update on where we stand as far as chili farming is concerned.
As of today, we are full steam ahead on the high tunnel installation here at home base. Ed from Ledgewood Farms, near Laconia, NH. stopped by yesterday with a truck full of goodies. Our newly acquired 14x28 high tunnel greenhouse will provide us with nearly 400 sq. ft. of superhot chili growing space.
- In preparation of this venture, we have started almost 100 chili plants, in many different varieties:
- - Naga Morich
- - Bhut Jolokia (ghost chili)
- - Carolina Reaper
- - Pink Tiger
- - Sepia Serpent
- - Carbonero
- - Fish Pepper
- - Moruga Scorpion
- - Orange Copenhagen
- - 7 Pot Bubblegum

I'm sure this list will grow as we import some hot pepper plants from friends in California as well as the south. For now this is a good list, my mouth is burning in anticipation of this growing season.

We will also be putting in beds of our standard herbs and spices, all of which will be getting dried and processed on site to hit our bottles, ensuring we us as much locally sourced product as we can. With the high tunnel in operation, I have no doubt that we will be growing screaming hot chiles until December. Be sure to look for us at local RI farmer's markets starting in June and carrying on through the fall.

Thanks for checking in, and keep on the lookout for new products hot off the line for this years grilling season.